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Upcoming Classes

Instructors, click here for details about required IRS W-9 information.

Date Class (In-person following CDC guidelines) Note that for some classes you can register for just one day from the Class Calendar here Time Member $/day Non-Member $/day
 Feb. 17Diane Murray, Procreate for the Artist (Register)10-2$40 $45 
 Feb. 19, 26, Mar. 5, 12, 19, 26 Laura Sippos, Drawing Fundamentals (series only) (Register) 6:30-8   Series
 Mar. 10, 17Diane Murray, Pastels for the Beginner or Intermediate (Register)10-4 $45 $50 
 Mar 24, 26Steph Moraca, Acrylic or Oil Series (Register)10-4 $45 $50 
 Apr. 8, 15, 22, 29Sue Levy, Watercolor Series (Register)10-2$35 $40 
 Apr. 13Laura Sippos, Gel Plate Printing (Register)1-4  $40$45 
 Apr 9, 16, 23, 30 Laura Sippos, Watercolor Boss Series (Register) 6:30-8:30   $35 $40 
 May 29, 30 Barry Jeter, Watercolor or Oil Series (Register) 10-4   $45 $50 


For a class calendar click here or select Calendar, Class Calendar from the menu.

  • If you have any questions about class content, contact the Class Coordinator, Betty Roseborough, via email at or 412-854-2426.
  • To register for a class, you must do the following: 
    1. You may register online by viewing the class under the Events menu option and clicking Register (register for the series or for each day separately (for some classes) from the Calendar
    OR you may notify the Class Registrar, Jan Pini, via email at or 724-518-5585 
    and ask to be placed on the class list for the classes and dates desired. 
    2. Register and pay online or mail a check made out to McMurray Art League for the cost of the classes to the registrar: 
    Jan Pini 
    103 Crabtree Ct. 
    Venetia, PA 15367
    In the Memo section of the check, note which instructor classes and dates the check covers. You will receive an email confirmation for your registration.
  • CANCELLATION POLICY: There are no refunds or credits given if you cancel fewer than 14 days prior to the day of the class. There will be no last minute cancellations or refunds given once the class is filled and the instructor has been contracted to teach it. We must cover the instructor's fees and our expenses. If you need to cancel your class registration, please contact our Class Registrar, Jan Pini, at or 724-518-5585.
  • Consider serving as the Class Monitor for a 10% discount. Duties are listed below and also posted at the Studio. Let the Class Registrar know if you are interested. 

    - Obtain a class roster from the Class Registrar or website and give a copy to the instructor. 
    - Arrive early (check with instructor or Class Coordinator for timing, usually a half hour before class). 
    - Turn on lights and set thermostat. 
    - Arrange tables and do other set-up work as required by class (easels, hairdryers, plastic table covers, etc.). 
    - Start coffee and hot water, set out cups, napkins, etc. 
    - Ensure bathroom is clean and studio is tidy. 
    - Take daily attendance. 
    - Assist instructor and students, as needed. 
    - At end of daily class, ensure bathroom and kitchen area is clean, unplug pots, clean tables, vacuum as needed, put class supplies away as needed, reset thermostat, turn out lights, take trash home and lock the door. 
    - At class completion, send accurate attendance sheet to the Treasurer and Class Registrar so the instructor can be paid.
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