Please join Marlene Boas and Jan Pini for the next meeting of the MAL Art and Artists Book Club! Come even if you haven't read the book!
We will meet to discuss "Michelangelo: A Life in Six Masterpieces" by Miles Unger. Here's Amazon's synopsis:
"Michelangelo stands alone as a master of painting, sculpture, and architecture, a man who reinvented the practice of art itself. Throughout his long career he clashed with patrons by insisting that he had no master but his own demanding muse. Michelangelo was ambitious, egotistical, and difficult, but through the towering force of genius and through sheer pugnaciousness, he transformed the way we think about art."
Feel free to read the book and add to the discussion. And bring friends and snacks! A voluntary donation of $5 is requested.
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