Oil techniques. Learn the concepts and techniques of classical art; space, light and atmosphere. Color, composition, form, textures and pastel techniques will also be discussed and demonstrated. Individual instruction.
5/19 will be Still Life Flowers and 5/26 will be Landscapes. For a biography of Jim Sulkowski, click here.
(Register for the series here or for 5/19 and 5/26 sessions separately.)

Materials list:
Suggested Brands of oil paint: Sennelier, Rembrandt ,Winsor & Newton, Blockx, Williamsburg, Gamblin. Do not use Winton or any student grade oils because they contain mostly filler with little pigment.
Oil Paints: Cadmium Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Orange, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red Light, Cadmium Red Medium, Alizarin Crimson, Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Thalo Blue, Raw Umber, Thalo Green, large tubes of Titanium White and Ivory Black. Optional: Burnt Sienna, Magenta
Bristle Brushes All sizes; 1/4" in width up to 2" and 3". One small pointed sable brush (No. 6)
Painting Medium: 1 Part Linseed Oil + 1 Part Damar Varnish + 1 Part English Distilled Turpentine OR any fast drying medium
Brush Washer: A can or jar containing mineral spirits also known as paint thinner.
Palette: The best palette is one that is toned a medium gray. A wooden palette is also very good. Avoid using a white palette.
Palette knife for mixing
Palette cup or small jar for your painting medium
Canvases : 9” x 12”, 12” x 16”, 16” x 20”